State Levels

The state levels mixin, StateLevelsMixin, can be added to Signal to obtain the levels for the logical states of a signal using different modes, Mode, based on histograms. The resulting values for the state levels are returned as StateLevels.


This implementation mimics Mathworks statelevels or Octave statelevels, these links provide more information about the inner details.

The code snippet below shows how to add this functionality to a signal:

import signal_edges.signal as ses

class ExampleSignal(ses.state_levels.StateLevelsMixin, ses.Signal):

An example of its usage using VoltageSignal is described below:

import numpy as np
import signal_edges.signal as ses

# Create timestamps for the signal.
signal_timestamps = np.linspace(start=0, stop=160, num=160, endpoint=False)
# Create voltages for the signal, and add some noise to them.
signal_voltages = np.asarray([0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5] * (160 // 10)) + \
                  np.random.normal(0, 0.1, 160)
# Create signal.
signal = ses.VoltageSignal(signal_timestamps, signal_voltages, "s", "V")
# Obtain state levels.
(state_levels, histogram) = signal.state_levels()

# Plot state levels and histogram.
signal.state_levels_plot("signal.png", state_levels, histogram=histogram)

This code snippet generates the following plot:


The generated signal with the state levels calculated and the histogram.

class StateLevelsMixin

State levels mixin Signal that implements calculation of state levels based on histograms.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Class constructor.

state_levels(mode=Mode.HISTOGRAM_MODE, nbins=100, bounds=None, high_ref=90.0, high_runt_ref=70.0, intermediate_ref=50.0, low_runt_ref=30.0, low_ref=10.0)

Finds the state levels of a signal using histograms.

  • mode (Mode) – The histogram mode used to calculate the state levels.

  • nbins (int) – Number of bins to use in the histogram.

  • bounds (Optional[tuple[float, float]]) – The lower and upper bounds of the signal, defaults to minimum and maximum peak values.

  • high_ref (float) – A percentage reference value of the full range for the high level.

  • high_runt_ref (float) – A percentage reference value of the full range for the low runt level.

  • intermediate_ref (float) – A percentage reference value of the full range for the intermediate level.

  • low_runt_ref (float) – A percentage reference value of the full range for the low runt level.

  • low_ref (float) – A percentage reference value of the full range for the low level.

  • StateLevelsError – The reference values must be in the range 0 <= x <= 100.

  • StateLevelsError – The reference values must satisfy low_ref < low_runt_ref < intermediate_ref < high_runt_ref < high_ref.

  • StateLevelsError – The bounds provided must satisfy bounds[0] <= bounds[1].

  • StateLevelsError – The minimum number of bins is two.

Return type:

tuple[StateLevels, tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]]]


The state levels and the values for the horizontal and vertical axes of the histogram.

state_levels_to_array(levels, array_id)

Convert the specified level from the state levels provided to an array of the same length as the number of values in the signal.

  • levels (StateLevels) – State levels with the values to convert to arrays.

  • array_id (Literal['highest', 'high', 'high_runt', 'intermediate', 'low_runt', 'low', 'lowest']) – The array identifier used to identify the state level to convert.


StateLevelsError – The array identifier provided is not valid.

Return type:

tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]]


The values of the horizontal axis and the values on the vertical axis for the level specified.

state_levels_plot(path, state_levels, *args, begin=None, end=None, munits=0, levels=(), histogram=None, **kwargs)

Performs a plot of the signal with the specified levels and optionally the histogram.

  • path (str) – The path where to store the plot, see Plotter.plot().

  • state_levels (StateLevels) – The state levels to plot.

  • args – Additional arguments to pass to the plotting function, see Plotter.plot().

  • begin (Optional[float]) – The begin value of the horizontal axis where the plot starts, see Plotter.plot().

  • end (Optional[float]) – The end value of the horizontal axis where the plot ends, see Plotter.plot().

  • munits (float) – Margin units for the plot, see Plotter.plot().

  • levels (Sequence[Literal['highest', 'high', 'high_runt', 'intermediate', 'low_runt', 'low', 'lowest']]) – The levels to plot, defaults to all levels.

  • histogram (Optional[tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]]]) – The horizontal and vertical axes values of the histogram, defaults to no histogram.

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the plotting function, see Plotter.plot().

Return type:



Instance of the class.

class Mode

Mode that defines the algorithm to calculate the state levels.


Histograms with mode values.


Histograms with mean values.

class StateLevels

Definition of the state levels of the signal, in the same units as the units of the values of the vertical axis of the signal from which they were calculated, refer to state_levels() for details.

The values satisfy lowest < low < low_runt < intermediate < high_runt < high < highest.

The full range in this context refers to highest - lowest.

  • highest (float) – Highest level, equal to 100% of the full range.

  • high (float) – High level, maps to high_ref percentage value.

  • high_runt (float) – High runt level, maps to high_runt_ref percentage value.

  • intermediate (float) – Intermediate level, maps to intermediate_ref percentage value.

  • low_runt (float) – Low runt level, maps to low_runt_ref percentage value.

  • low (float) – Low level, maps to low_ref percentage value.

  • lowest (float) – Lowest level, equal to 0% of the full range.

exception StateLevelsError

State levels exception class.